6 Things You Need To Know About College Campus Safety

6 Things You Need To Know About College Campus Safety

Heading to college means you have grown a little bit older, and you can be independent to an extent. No one will be there to look after all your doings, and you will be solely responsible for your actions. Though the college is a safe place to be, you still have to be cautious of the happenings around you. Don't be so carried away by college life that you forget to get used to the college's safety rules. We have compiled a list of six things you need to know about college campus safety. Read on!

1. Sign up for Text Notifications in Case of Emergency

Registering for your university's emergency SMS notifications is unquestionably one of the most critical things you can do to guarantee your safety. Also, it is one of the quickest ways to learn about an emergency on campus.

You might receive the following notifications on your phone:

  • Tornado warnings and other severe weather events are examples of hazardous weather notifications.
  • Norovirus, Meningitis, or other dangerous epidemics are examples of health warnings.
  • Utility outages, armed invaders, bomb threats, or unsafe waste discharges are all examples of safety concerns.

2. Locate Campus Emergency Phones

Locate Campus Emergency Phones

Many colleges and universities have emergency phones perfectly placed throughout their campuses. These schools feature blue light phones on every campus that anyone in need during the night is easily identifiable. This type of phone allows you to contact the authorities and serves as a critical backup if your cell phone dies or you do not have coverage at the time.

3. Find Out Who to Ask for Assistance

Another thing to know about college campus safety is to know who to ask for assistance. It's critical to understand your university's approach and contact them in an emergency. Most universities have their police force whose primary mission is to defend the campus and its near environs. On the other hand, smaller colleges rely on the local police force to meet their needs. Universities with their police department are more responsive to students' cries for assistance. They are in charge of regularly patrolling the campus and residential neighborhoods and traffic law enforcement and accident investigation.

4. Follow Emergency Alert Systems

Most universities have a substantial emergency alert system in place. If the system at your college is operational, pay close attention to the instructions and make sure you follow them strictly. Also, most institutions broadcast emergency notices via their websites, social media pages, and other platforms, among other methods.

5. Get to Know the Student Advocacy Organizations on Campus

Although you are unlikely to use their services, it is a good idea to be aware of advocacy organizations on campus. They offer free and private counseling to students who have been victims of crime, assault, or abuse on or off-campus.

6. Participate in Crime Prevention Programs

It is all about prevention when it comes to college campus safety. Take advantage of educational programs given by your university to learn more about how to avoid becoming a victim of fraud or theft.

Other College Campus Safety Tips

a. Familiarize yourself with the campus

Knowing your way around the campus is essential to avoid some unforeseen circumstances. Nobody can easily take you anywhere to do you harm, as you would be familiar with the campus roads.

b. Hold a Pepper Spray or Alarm Everywhere You Go

Pepper spray or a whistle can assist you in stopping an attack or alert a bystander that you're in peril. Again, these items will make you feel secure when walking around alone.

c. Avoid Excess Alcohol Intake

Excessive drinking is full of several disadvantages. It puts you in danger because you don't know what you're doing when you're drunk. People might take advantage of this fact and harm you.

d. Know Your Social Media Accounts Settings

Check your privacy settings on social media to ensure that only your friends can view your posts. Disable location finders on social media sites that publicly broadcast this information.

5. How to Handle Being a Victim of a Campus Crime Incident
Some students are lucky to get through college without being victims of any unfortunate incident, while some become victims of some of the crimes on campus. Nonetheless, knowing what to do next when this happens to either you or a friend will make it easier for help to come.

Below are the steps to take when facing a criminal incident on campus.

  • Make a call to a friend or family member who can give you a safe space.
  • Immediately dial 911. Till the police or emergency services arrive, the 911 operator will walk you through a plan of action.
  • To prevent unauthorized usage of your bank account or credit cards, contact your bank and report the theft as soon as possible.
  • To avoid further escalation, move to a well-lit, busy place. Stay put until help arrives.
  • Contact an attorney to discuss your legal options.

How to Report a Crime in Campus

There are several reasons why people don't report crimes on campus and in other places. But the most visible reason is that people are scared of the outcome. However, reporting an incident gives other students confidence and makes them feel secure that they can also report any further incident.

These are the steps to take to report a campus crime.

  • List the stolen properties: This document aids in the identification of recovered goods by security officers and police.
  • Have a dialogue with the university: The victim should not hesitate to report any criminal activity to the school authorities. This bold step will stop the criminals from repeating such acts in the school. It will also instill fear and discipline in the other students who have been planning to carry out similar actions.
  • Inform the police: If it is a case of emergency and your safety is at stake, do well to inform the police and back it up with the campus security.
  • Visit the doctor: Victims must seek medical help as soon as possible because they need to confirm their health status is perfect. The reason is that they might have experienced a shock that could have caused some damage to them.
  • Go for counseling: Victims of crimes should go for counseling, so they won't have to live with the trauma for the rest of their lives.
